Declaration on Prevention of Harassment

April 1, 2020

Harassment will not be tolerated!

  1. 1.Harassment in the workplace is an act that unjustly damages a worker's individual dignity and is not socially acceptable, and prevents a worker from effectively demonstrating his or her ability. It is also a problem for the Company that obstructs workplace discipline and operational execution, thereby affecting the Company's reputation in society.

    Harassment in the workplace damages a person's character and dignity.
    T&A TOKA will not tolerate these forms of harassment.

    We are working to create workplaces that are safe and comfortable, with no harassment, where all persons involved respect one another.

    We also treat students, interns, individual contractors, and workers employed by other business operators in the same manner as our employees, paying necessary caution in speech and conduct to prevent harassment, with decency and responsibility as a member of society.

  2. 2.The following forms of harassment will not be tolerated.
    • <Harassment related to pregnancy, childbirth, child care leave and nursing care leave>
    Damaging the working environment for "female employees" who have become pregnant or given birth, and for "male and female employees" who have applied for or taken child care leave or nursing care leave, through speech or conduct by supervisors, coworkers, or others in the workplace.

    (Specific examples)

    (1) Speech or conduct that interfere with an employee's use of systems or measures related to pregnancy, childbirth, child care, or nursing care.
    (2) Harassment toward an employee for having used systems or measures related to pregnancy, childbirth, child care, or nursing care.
    (3) Harassment toward an employee who has become pregnant or given birth.
    (4) Conduct suggesting that an employee who uses systems or measures related to pregnancy, childbirth, child care, or nursing care will have their employment terminated or experience other disadvantageous treatment.
    (5) Conduct that suggests that an employee who has become pregnant or given birth will have their employment terminated or experience other disadvantageous treatment.

    • <Sexual harassment>
    Placing disadvantageous working conditions on an employee based on their response to sexual speech or conduct in the workplace which goes against the employee's will, and damaging the working environment with sexual speech or conduct.

    (Specific examples)

    (1) Sexual jokes, teasing, questions
    (2) Viewing, distributing, or posting obscene pictures
    (3) Spreading sexual rumors
    (4) Unnecessary physical contact
    (5) Acts lowering workplace morale or impeding an employee to demonstrate his or her ability through sexual speech or conduct
    (6) Forcing an employee into a companionship or a sexual relationship
    (7) Treating a subordinate or others disadvantageously for rejecting sexual speech or conduct

    • <Abuse of authority>
    Exceeding the normal scope of operations to give mental or physical pain to a coworker in the workplace, or damage the working environment, based on a superior relationship within the workplace such as job position and human relationships.

    (Specific examples)

    (1) Physical aggression (assault or causing injury)
    (2) Mental aggression (threats, defamation, insults, abusive remarks)
    (3) Cutting off personal relationships (isolation, excluding from others, neglect)
    (4) Excessive demands (demanding things that are clearly unnecessary in terms of operations or that are impossible to accomplish, obstructing work)
    (5) Frivolous demands (ordering work that is not justifiable in terms of operations and that is clearly below the employee's ability or experience, not assigning work)
    (6) Infringement on an individual (excessive involvement in an employee's personal life)

    • <Harassment by customers>
    Damaging the working environment for our employees through sexual harassment or abuse of authority by persons employed by other business operators such as vendors and so on, or by other business operators and so on, or through behavior by customers that creates a clear nuisance.
  3. 3.This policy applies to all persons working for the Company, including full-time, contracted, and part-time employees and dispatched workers, as well as students and interns, individual contractors, and persons employed by other business operators.

    All persons involved with the workplace can become victims or perpetrators of harassment, so let us all consider the perspective of others, reflect on our speech and conduct, and create a comfortable workplace.

  4. 4.If an employee commits harassment, it will be strictly treated based on the Rules of Employment. Treatment will be determined by comprehensively taking into account the following elements.
    (1) The specifics of the conduct (time, place (workplace or not), specific action, degree)
    (2) Relationship of the persons involved (job positions and so on)
    (3) Victim's response (accusation and so on) and mental state and so on
  5. 5.Consultation desks
    Consultation desks regarding harassment in the workplace have been set up inside and outside the Company.
    In addition to actual occurrences of harassment, these desks also provide consultation for a wide range of cases, including potential cases of harassment, concerns regarding damage to working environments in the event measures are not implemented, and situations where it is not clear whether harassment has occurred, and deal with the cases.
    Consultations are dealt with impartially with the privacy of both the counselee and perpetrator protected, so that consultation can be taken with security.
  6. 6.In addition to persons initiating consultations, persons cooperating in confirming related facts will not be subject to disadvantageous treatment.
  7. 7.When a consultation is initiated, the facts will be confirmed quickly and accurately, and after the facts are confirmed, the measures with consideration for the victim and the measures against the perpetrator will be taken. We will also take appropriate measures such as taking measures to prevent recurrence, and so on.

Let's create a pleasant workplace with no harassment!

