Environmental Management
Environmental Policy
T&K TOKA CO., LTD. is promoting initiatives based on the "Environmental Policy" for the achievement of a low-carbon and a recycling-oriented society, recognizing our social responsibility to carry out our corporate activities in harmony with the global environment.
Environmental Management System and Implementation Structure
T&K TOKA has established the environmental management structure, headed by the President and with a Director designated as the person responsible for environmental management. At the same time, our major manufacturing bases at the Saitama Headquarters (Miyoshi-Machi, Iruma-Gun, Saitama Prefecture) and the Shiga Factory (Kusatsu-Shi, Shiga Prefecture) have obtained ISO 14001 certification to continuously improve our initiatives.

Registration details
- Registered standard:
- ISO 14001:2015 / JIS Q 14001:2015
- Scope:
- Saitama Headquarters, T&K TOKA Co., Ltd.
- Registration date:
- March 1, 2002
- Registration renewal date:
- April 30, 2019
- Expiration date:
- April 29, 2022
- Examination organization:
- Japan Quality Assurance Organization
- Certificate number:
- JQA-EM2205

Environmental Audits
To evaluate the operational status of our environmental management system and make continuous improvement, internal auditors with certified qualifications who meet internal criteria regularly conduct ISO internal environmental audits. In addition, to ensure that our environmental management system is constructed and operates in compliance with ISO 14001 standards, audits are conducted yearly by the Japan Quality Assurance Organization (JQA), a third-party organization.
Environmental Training
We carry out environmental training and provide assistance for staff to obtain national qualification, for the purpose of human resource development to ensure that the environmental management system functions effectively.
During fiscal year 2020, to prevent the spread of COVID-19, rather than hold internal and external group training, we implemented environmental training with self-learning on computers via e-learning and by participation in online seminars. We also conduct training for the SDGs, and are planning education for all employees including part-time workers going forward.
Response to Environmental Regulations and Occurrence Status of Major Accidents
We carry out regular monitoring and measurements of air and water quality, odors, noise, vibration, and so forth, as well as evaluations based on regulatory management standards and voluntary standards. During fiscal year 2020, we were not fined or sanctioned by regulatory authorities for any legal or regulatory violations.
Going forward, we will continue our environmental monitoring activities and engage in our business activities with an emphasis on compliance to ensure no legal or regulatory violations.