TOKA Group Procurement Policy

In order to develop its business activities, the TOKA Group*, including its suppliers, is required to take initiatives to fulfill its social responsibility as part of the supply chain. To meet this requirement, we will conduct procurement activities in accordance with this policy.


    We will comply with social norms and conduct procurement activities with high ethical standards in accordance with the TOKA Group Charter of Corporate Behavior, the TOKA Group Human Rights Policy, the TOKA Group Action Guidelines for Respecting Human Rights, the TOKA Group Code of Conduct, and the Quality and Environmental Policy.

(Fair and Impartial Dealings)

    We provide fair opportunities to our current and potential suppliers and evaluate them fairly.


    We will conduct sustainable procurement activities by selecting suppliers that can provide the greatest overall value in terms of compliance, safety, and improvements in quality, cost, and supply, as well as consideration for human rights and the labor and natural environment. We will also monitor the supply chain and support its improvements.


    We will properly manage and protect our business partners' confidential information and intellectual property. We will strive to deepen mutual understanding and build trusting relationships with them.

(Procurement Risk Management)

    We will assess risks to suppliers and procured goods, and implement appropriate procurement risk mitigation measures in cooperation with suppliers according to the magnitude of the risk.

  • * TOKA Group: T&K TOKA CO., LTD. and consolidated subsidiaries

Established April 1, 2024

