TOKA Group Human Rights Policy

This policy explains the TOKA Group's*1 approach to "Management that Respects Human Rights" in its business activities, as set forth in the TOKA Group Charter of Corporate Behavior, and demonstrates its commitment to this policy. It is positioned as the TOKA Group's top-level policy on respect for human rights.


    This policy applies to the TOKA Group and all of its personnel. "Personnel" includes the TOKA Group's officers and full-time, temporary and subcontracted employees, as well as such former personnel.

(Our Approach to Respecting Human Rights)

    The TOKA Group recognizes the importance of internationally recognized human rights*2 and agrees with the responsibility of business enterprises to respect human rights as set forth in the UN Guiding Principles, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and other guidelines.
    The TOKA Group is committed to respecting the human rights of all people and to complying with international norms and laws and regulations regarding respect for human rights. We also do not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind.

(Business Activities and Expectations Respecting Human Rights)

    The TOKA Group expects its personnel to respect human rights and refrain from rights violations, discrimination, and harassment, and will continuously work to prevent and reduce direct and indirect human rights violations. To this end, we encourage stakeholders involved in our business activities to support this policy and to act in accordance with a policy of respect for human rights.

(Responsibility to Respect Human Rights and Comply with Laws and Regulations)

    The TOKA Group complies with the laws and regulations of each country and region in which it operates. Where there is a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the laws and regulations of any country, we will seek ways to maximize respect for international human rights principles.

(Priority Issues)

    The TOKA Group considers the following human rights issues to be important based on the characteristics of our business as a chemical manufacturer, the status of our business development in Japan and overseas, and the diversity of our personnel:

    1. ·Forced and Compulsory Labor and Child Labor
    2. ·Discrimination
    3. ·Violation of a Safe and Healthy Work Environment
    4. ·Violations of Local Residents' Rights
    5. ·Complaints and Remedies

(Methods of Respecting Human Rights)

    The TOKA Group will establish a human rights due diligence mechanism to identify potential human rights violations that it may inflict on society, and to prevent and mitigate such violations. The TOKA Group will also provide appropriate education and training to ensure that this policy is incorporated into all corporate activities and is effectively implemented.
    In cases where it is recognized that the activities of TOKA Group companies have caused human rights violations, or where the involvement of business partners or other parties is identified or suspected, we will conduct appropriate investigations and, if necessary, work to remedy the situation through dialogue and appropriate procedures based on international standards.

  • *1 TOKA Group: T&K TOKA CO., LTD. and consolidated subsidiaries
  • *2 Those set forth in the International Bill of Human Rights and those containing principles relating to the fundamental rights set forth in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

Established April 1, 2024

